In all honesty, I wasn't sure what I'd think of it. With the sad loss of their drummer Jimmy, how would their sound change? Would it have a huge impact? Would it be a good change, or a bad one? Would they be completely unrecognizable, and would their original fans be greatly disappointed?
I can answer these questions honestly (and I promise I'll be as unbiased as I can!): Yes, their sound has changed, but not to the unrecognizable, and honestly, it's matured. Their sound is amazing! I'm sure their fan base is thoroughly enjoying this piece of work. I certainly am!
The biggest obvious impact is that their drum lines have calmed significantly. With their new drummer, their style is still there, but the drum parts are certainly cooler and less insane, yet they work perfectly with the other parts by making them easier to hear. As much as Avenged's music is masterpiece, their older stuff had very complicated parts all around. This one down-step has made everything else easier to hear, creating a more mature sound.
The music on the album does create contrasts. Their opening track, 'Shepherd Of Fire', creates a build up from the start. When I say build up, I don't just mean the song, I mean to the album as well. It's flawless! Their classic dual guitar parts with Synyster's solo create the distinct Avenged sound, and the drums accommodate this with open arms. However, one of the most incredible pieces of work, I feel, on the album has to be 'Crimson Day'. It begins with a classic Metallica sound, with guitar and voice beauty. The song really does have a stunning feel to it, and it really is hard not to like!
So, in all, Avenged Sevenfold have done it again. 'Hail To The King' is yet another completely different album for the band, but, I must say, it is easily one of their best works. It must have been so difficult for them to even imagine writing a new album with their loss of Jimmy, but they have, and the follow on from 'Nightmare' is a great success! They should be very proud, and I'm so excited for their upcoming tour later this year. Bring on November 30th guys!!!!